
Orignal Washable Pokémon Shirts Masks

If you’ve been outside any time in close to the last 11 months or so, you likely noticed that thanks to COVID-19, a majority of people around the world have been wearing masks to try to help curb the transmission of the virus. In Japan, you see people with masks with or without a pandemic and designer masks have always been a thing out here. The likelihood of wearing a mask at any given time in Japan is quite high because people wear masks for a variety of reasons, not always for being sick. Sometimes people just want to wear it because they’re uncomfortable with how they look, if they didn’t want to do their make-up, if they’re going to be on a train, or pretty much any other reason that you could possibly imagine. Being in a country where mask usage is as high as it is, sometimes you want to have a mask that fits your favorite hobbies or brands and that is exactly what the company Original Stitch is doing with their new Pokémon Shirts Mask line up.



Original Stitch is no stranger to the Pokémon franchise as they’re the same company that makes the Pokémon Shirt series of button-up shirts. When I first saw the name of the product I was slightly confused because they’re calling the product “Pokémon Shirts Mask.” Reading it at face-value, you could easily imagine a shirt that has a built in mask for maximum protection, but rest assured, this is not the case. Rather, they’re using the same materials that they make their high-quality shirts out of for the masks.

The initial 151 Pokémon are available and the designs are made through a variety of different designers. A lot of the masks look really cool and really cute, if only I didn’t have the face the size of a small boulder. The masks come in small and medium sizes and will set you back ¥1,800. Original Stitch did also mention that they are starting with Japan for the mask product, but will be expanding to international territories in the near future.

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